Showing posts with label Clients with Visa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clients with Visa. Show all posts

October 31, 2011

French language evaluation test did the trick!

French language evaluattion test did the trick! - Romina Santos
Ms. Romina Santos with her parents

Ms. Romina Santos is a Registered Social Worker, single, without Master's Degree and with only one year related work experience. Even if she has a relative in Canada and gets a perfect score in IELTS, she wouldn't have met the 67 points pass mark if not for the additional points from French Language.

I first met her parents when they attended the visa party last year. Her parents' occupation were not included in the 38 prioroty occupations under the Ministerial Instruction 1. Her mom also submitted her resume for assessment but at that time, Social Workers were not included in the list as well. They were quite sad, as they really wanted to live and work in Canada.

When the Ministerial Instruction 2 was issued, I immediately inform them about the opportunity for the Social Workers. But there's a problem. She wouldn't meet the pass mark unless she got additional points from French Language.

I told them that if they really wanted to live and work in Canada, she has to take the French language evaluattion test (TEF) to get additional points.

It wasn't a problem for her at all because she's currently working as a French Call Center Agent.

October 25, 2011

Ms. Maria Angeles Escasa - Training Officer

Ms. Maria Angeles Escasa's application was filed under Ministerial Instruction 1 (MI-1) as Training Officer. She is now working as Care Manager for a nursing home.

See more of Ms. Irene Delara's clients with visa.

October 22, 2011

Ms. Charina Lukban | Registered Nurse

Ms. Charina Lukban
Ms. Charina Lukban went to our office yesterday to get her long awaited visa. She filed her application under Ministerial Instruction 1 (MI-1) so there's a slight delay. Ms. Charina learned about our office through her friend, Ms. Ruby Calasag. They both applied as Registered Nurses. She will soon be joining Ms. Ruby in Canada!

September 1, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

September 1 is the start of Christmas season in the Philippines. So don't be surprised if suddenly Christmas will be a trending topic in Twitter on September 1.

Dr. Dahipon, a licensed dentist will be moving to Canada with her family few days from now. They will be celebrating White Christmas in Canada for the first time. Noticed her tummy? Yup, she will be giving birth to her 3rd child few months from now. She will soon have a Canadian citizen child.

Dreaming of a White Christmas, too?

Click Here for Free Online Assessment.

August 29, 2011

It all Started with a Google Search | Canada Visa

google search canada

Mrs. Reanne Medallon, a Registered Nurse, is one of those who stumbled upon this blog through Google search. Her visa was issued last week together with other 54 clients.

She took our FREE online assessment and after few email exchanges with one of our Agents, she decided to visit our office to start with her application. She will be moving to Canada soon together with her husband and one child.

With all the online scams out there and fraudulent consulting firms sprouting like mushrooms, it is understandably hard to simply entrust your hard-earned money to a consulting firm you just find via a Google search. But unlike other consulting firms, we have a track record to speak of.

Check us out! Visit us at our office near you.

August 20, 2011

Ms. Laarni Abaya Visited Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls
Ms. Laarni Abaya at Niagara Falls

Ms. Laarani Abaya, a Registered Nurse moved to Canada just last month and is now working as a health care aide at a hospital in Toronto. She sent us her picture taken at Niagara falls when she visit the place last July 31, 2011.

The Niagara Falls are renowned both for beauty and as a valuable source of hydroelectric power. It is situated on the Niagara River, which drains Lake Erie into Lake Ontario and forms the international border between the Canadian province of Ontario and the U.S. state of New York. It's really beautiful and it's not surprising why many newly landed immigrants in Ontario seem to visit the place first before seriously looking for job. ;-)

Here's an excerpt from Ms. Laarni Abaya's email to Mr. Irene de Lara, who assisted Ms. Abaya with her Permanent Residence visa application:

I have visited Niagara falls on July 31, 2011. It was a great experience! It was really good to look at the wonders of the Lord. I suggest you visit niagara also at night, fantastic color effects for the falls.

Thanks to Canadian Immigration Consultancy, I am now experiencing a life like this in Canada - a work and a pleasure..

Interested to live and work in Canada? Click here for free online assessment or contact Ms. Irene de Lara at mob. no. 0928-2815634

August 4, 2011

Legazpi City Seminar Schedule | Aug 14, 2011

Mr. Emmanuel Zaballa, from the Albay Bicol, is now in Canada together with his family. Mr. Zaballa is an Electrical Engineer with several years of experience teaching college students.

College Instructors were included in the priority list of occupations under Ministerial Instruction 1 (MI-1). Upon learning the opportunity, he immediately made a decision to apply. Good thing that he grabbed that opportunity because his occupation is no longer included in the current 29 in-demand occupations.

Is your occupation included in the list? Interested to live and work in Canada?

If you are from Legazpi City or nearby towns, this is your chance. Mark your calendar. On August 14, 2011 (Sunday, 1pm), we will be conducting a Live and work in Canada Information Seminar at PIPDC Review Center 3/F Rex Hotel Aguinaldo St., Legazpi City.

CLICK HERE for seat reservation.

Don't miss this chance!

November 22, 2010

Choices are the hinges of destiny

Choices are the hinges of destiny
When we opended our office at Mall of Asia in Pasay City last year, Ms. Rizza Nandwani was one of the first clients who chanced upon our office there, walked-in to inquire and decided right there and then to start with her application. She is a Certified Public Accountant and during that time, Accountants are still included in the priority list. It is currentlt not included in the 29 In-Demand Occupations.

It took a while before her application was filed to Centralized Intake Office (CIO) because according to her, she wasn't in a hurry. But because we constantly remind her of the possibility of changes in the immigration regulations that may affect her application, her application was fortunately sent to CIO before the June 26, 2010 Ministerial Instruction.

Shortly after that, she finally got her visa and was one of those who was there at the immigrant's visa party last Saturday.

If you are eligible under the current regulations, start your application now! Choices are the hinges of destiny.

October 23, 2010

One of the reasons why I love my job

Image Credit:

I received this interesting letter from one of my clients who landed in Alberta five months ago. With his permission, I'm posting his letter here. I figured this would be helpful to those moving to Canada.

Dear Sir,

It’s nice to hear that more clients have already received their visas from the Canadian government. But it’s also disheartening that Canada is limiting the number of applicants.

It’s been five months since we landed in Canada and this is how we fared so far:

The trip was very tiring and physically demanding. The flight by Canada Air from Hong Kong to Vancouver took 12 hours. We literally fell in and out of sleep the whole time. Add to that the many times we encountered turbulence in airspace shaking the plane on many occasions. The food was good, though. And plentiful compared to the usual meals given by PAL and Cebu Pac in our domestic flights.

Vancouver was another story. The immigration line was long on that day. There were both contract workers and immigrants. There were only 2 immigration officers to process some 50 new entrants on that afternoon. It was good there was some allowance of three hours to the next flight. Or else, we could have missed the next flight to Calgary.

When our time at the immigration officer came, we were asked where our permanent Resident card will be sent to. Since we have no address yet in our preferred destination, we gave the address of my sister in law in Calgary. We were asked too many questions that sounded somewhat annoying like “have you been convicted or tried of any crime”, and “have you been sent home to the Philippines by the Canadian government” and something like that. We were also asked about the settlement funds and asked for proof. When all of the asking was over, we finally heard the words “Welcome to Canada!”

This is it. We finally made it. We were asked to sign our papers in front of the immigration officer and he handed us a carbonized copy of our landing papers. We were told to always carry it with us until we receive the PR cards.

We arrived at Calgary on the same day, April 14 at 10pm. We were met at the airport by my sister-in-law and two of her friends. The luggage was many so that we needed 2 cars.

What impressed us when we finally stepped out of the airports was the vast landscape. The air was cold at 12-14 ˚C. Another thing that impressed us was the courtesy of the people, the clean surroundings, the orderly manner things are run. There was no baggage claims at the airports, by the way. You have to get your luggage from the conveyor. The queues are orderly.

The following day we went to the nearest Service Canada site and applied for the Social insurance Number (SIN). We cannot work legally in Canada without it. Then we applied for the Health card in the next block. In the afternoon, we opened a joint account at the Bank of Montreal. We got our ATM cards on the same afternoon.

The SIN came a week after. The health cards came two weeks after. Now we use the card whenever we go to the doctor. We don’t pay anything in a hospital or clinic. One condition of the card, though, is that you have to live in the province where it is issued for at least 180 days during the year. We found a family doctor after a month here. He is also a Filipino who has been here for over 10 years now. He was previously residing in Winnepeg MB the last 7 years but complained about the cold weather there. He found Calgary OK so he decided to be here.

What is also good about Alberta is the provincial sales tax of 0%. It is the only province to subsidize the PST. We only pay 5% Federal Tax on all purchases or services unlike the other provinces which have 7 8 or 9% PST.

I found a job after two months but held on to it for only a month. Something happened inside the company that the owner decided to have a long vacation. We were told to seek another employment. Some employees stole money, equipment and messed up the records. I have to do a lot of reconciliations but when the police came, we turned over what we have documented. I found another one soon and this one is much better.

The secret of finding work here? Have a Canadian work experience and/or Canadian credential. Since I was a CPA in the Philippines, I decided to enroll in a Canadian accountant designation. There are the Certified General Accountant, the Certified Management Accountant and the Chartered Accountant course. I also submitted my credentials to the International Qualifications Assessment office in Edmonton. The process took 12 weeks and now I have a Canadian credential. After my first employment, I have Canadian experience. So, Canadian experience plus CGA student credential equals more job opportunities. Landing a job is not that difficult even when the people here say Calgary is still in recession.

*** also found a job as cashier in a big company (Canadian Tire). You can take a peek at the website. She gave up the job because she will have a hard time scheduling work and studies the moment she attends classes. She now works in a law firm. Mind you, her salary is more than what I was receiving from my former job in the Philippines.

*** is now in grade 6. She has developed a curled tongue as what the Pinoys here tease. Speaks English with the Canadian accent. French is also taught in the schools and she can communicate in French. We applied for children’s allowance and were granted by the Federal government since our income was limited then. We receive a monthly allowance for *** about $300 Canadian. We will surely lose that after we file the income tax next year. Or maybe not yet if we don’t get over the minimum income tax level.

We are building credit history so that we can apply for a house loan. We were told that it can only happen after a year from arrival. Everything goes to our SIN records. Including purchases, employment pay, everything recorded.

Summer ends September 22 but outside temperature is from 1 to 10 degrees Celsius. Wait until winter comes. The temp plunges below zero and that is really cold!

A couple of days ago, I received another letter from the same client. According to him, he was now hired as Chief Compliance Officer of a securities firm. He is now registered with Canadian National Registration Database (NRD) as a securities worker. All that in less than a year in Canada!

His elder daughter is now working as Admin Assistant getting $15/hr. 7 hrs a day! When they received their visa, that daughter have just finished college here in the Philippines. How's that for a first job?

This is what I have been saying for the longest time. The Top 8 Reasons not to Immigrate to Canada by NotCanada.Com is not for Filipinos. Because Filipinos Rock! ;-)

August 15, 2010

LIfe is all about timing - Carl Lewis

visa party

Mr. and Mrs Pedroso was one of our clients who attended the visa party last Saturday. They have just received their visa and will soon be moving to Canada!

Had they delay their decision longer, they would't have this golden opportunity.

Mrs. Rhea Pedroso is a Certified Public Accountant. When they they learned that her occupation was included in the list of 38 High Demand Occupations, they immediately decided to file their application. And in less than a year, they already got their visa.

The list of high demand occupations was changed last June 2010. Accountants are no longer included in the priority list.

Currently, there are only 29 high demand occupations eligible under the Federal Skilled Worker program. If your occupation is in the list and you are interested to live and work in Canada, you should decide now. The timing of your decision will make a huge difference.

August 12, 2010

Sponsoring your spouse? Let us help you!

For those asking, we are also providing assistance for Family Class Sponsorship - parents, spouse and kids. Again, there is no fiance visa under Canada's immigration program.

Here's one my clients who was sponsored by her husband.

fiance visa canada

It took Ms. Michelle R. Gamboa less than 6 months to get her visa. No interview and additional documents were required. The process really went smooth!

Small mistakes cause big problem. Just because you are married, does not automatically guarantee that your application will be approved. We can help you increase your chances of approval.

July 20, 2010

It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped - Tony Robbins

Mr. Jimmy Rillo and his family attended our Visa Party last July 3 at Bayview Park Hotel in Manila. It was the first time I met him in person. We started communicating via email about 3 years ago ago. He was working abroad as a Physical Therapist at that time. Sometime last year, still working abroad, he decided to sign up a consultancy agreement with us.

We filed his application to Centralized Intake Office (CIO) on August 2009 and after receiving the positive assessment from CIO, we were able to submit his application to Canadian Visa Office in Manila on December 2009. We received their visa from Canadian Embassy on July 1, 2010, a couple of days before the visa party!

There is no secret as to how they were able to get it - their PR Visa to Canada. They simply decided to do it and made a commitment to make it happen.

Do you want to live and work in Canada, too? Find out how!

Attend our Immigrant Visa Party and Seminar on Aug 7, 2010, Saturday 4pm at Bayview Park Hotel in Manila. Registration fee is P600/head. Registration starts 3:30 pm. Reserve a seat now!

Canadian Immigration Consultancy is the largest immigration consulting firm in the Philippines. We have already sent thousands of Filipino workers to Canada, a great track record you can bank on. Immigrant Visa Party and Seminar is a monthly event, an orientation for clients with visa before leaving for Canada. Simultaneously, there is also an information seminar is being conducted in a separate function room for those who want to learn how to live and work in Canada.

July 15, 2010

Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mr. Aries Dacir, a Certified Public Accountant, attended one of my seminar schedules in Angeles City. Right there and then, he decided to get our services to help him on his application for Permanent Residence in Canada.

A decision he did not regret.

We filed his application last year and just recently, he was one of those who attended our monthly immigrant visa party! He and his wife will be moving to Canada few months from now.

I will be conducting another seminar in Angeles City on July 25, 2010, Sunday at 2pm. If you also want to live and work in Canada, attend this seminar and learn your options. You will not regret attending this seminar but you may forever regret not even checking it out. ;-)

Click here to reserve a seat. See you there!

June 15, 2010

A goal without a plan is just a wish

A goal without a plan is just a wish
Ms. Neslien Regencia is due to give birth for their first child this coming September. But unlike most, she will no longer need to worry about maternity related expenses. They have just landed in Vancouver few days ago and three months from now, they will be entitled to FREE health care!

Aside from the health care, the child will be entitled to Child Tax Banefits - a monthly allowance until 18 years old!

Mr and Mrs Regencia are both nurses. We filed started processing their application last. After a positive assessment from Centralized Intake Office (CIO), we send their application forms with supporting documents to Canadian Embassy Manila on November 2009. They received their visa just last month. Around 6 months processing.

This is what I love about my job. Knowing that you were able to help make a diffirence for other people's lives is priceless.

If you are interested to live and work in Canada, we can help you!

Immigrating to Canada is not an easy decision and thus, we only deal with serious-minded applicants. Those who are doing it for the right reason. We are ready to help you, that is if you are willing to help yourself, too.

What is your goal in life? Do you have a plan like Mr. and Mrs. Regencia?

Interested to Study, Work and Live in Canada? Here's what you may do:

June 11, 2010

Has the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program ended?

There are rumors circuating around that the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) will be ending this year. I often receive this kind of question about MPNP.

Has the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program ended?

If you have questions about Canada's immigration programs, always consult the official website first. That's what I did and here's the answer I found:
No. The MPNP does not end. There is no deadline date to submit applications.

Ok. The site's FAQ may not be updated. Now, consider what I've found from Labour Market Bulletin - Manitoba (May 2010):

The province has announced that it will increase the minimum wage by 50 cents an hour to $9.50 on October 1. The Manitoba Labour Federation was advocating for an increase of 75 cents an hour effective April 1, while business leaders were advocating for either an increase of no more than 30 cents or no increase at all. Manitoba created almost 7,000 jobs in April, increasing from 612,200 employed to 619,000 over the month.

The unemployment rate for Manitoba in April was 4.9%, up from the 4.6% unemployment rate for April 2009, while the labour force participation rate increased from 68.9% to 69.8% in the same time period.

In 2009, over 12,000 immigrants entered Manitoba, the largest annual immigration total since 1913. This increase from the 3,725 immigrants to Manitoba in 1999 means that immigration levels have tripled in the last decade. This increase has been attributed to the provincial nominee program which was introduced in 1998. The province has a target of increasing immigration to 20,000 immigrants per year 2017.

Manitoba targets 20,000 immigrants!

I've been trying to search for official announcements regarding the planned ending of MPNP but without luck. What I do know is that they are still processing applications. In fact, here's a MPNP applicant I have assisted who were issued visa just recently.

Mr and Mrs Vergara, together with their children will be moving to Canada before the school year begins this year. They were sponsored by Mr. Vergara's former colleague and kumpare.

To qualify under MPNP General Stream, you need two distant relatives or friends who are ready and willing to support you. In their case, the wife of Mr. Vergara's kumpare served as the 2nd sponsor.

Mr. and Mrs Vergara are both doing great on their chosen fields. But they still decided to immigrate to Canada because of one thing - they want to prepare a better future for their children. It is a major decision and takes a lot of courage to get out of your comfort zone. But they did it just the same and it's for a noble intention. Hats off to the Vergara couples!

Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program is still open. File your application now!

June 10, 2010

Invitation: July 3, 2010 Immigrant Visa Party and Seminar

Here some of the pictures last Saturday's Immigrant Visa Party and Seminar.

Apol Apuntar
12 Families with newly issued visa attended our in-house pre-departure orientation. Simultaneously, I have conducted information seminar for those who are just planning to live and work in Canada.

If you are also interested to immigrate to Canada, we have another Immigrant Visa Party and Seminar schedule on July 3, 2010.

PR Visa
Some of Canadian Immigration Consultancy's clients who recently received PR Visas.

PR Visa
Ms. Rochelle Baligasay, a Nurse, who got her PR Visa within 8 months.

You, too, can be one of them. Find out how!

July 3, 2010, Saturday, 4pm
Aristocrat Restaurant - Malate Manila
Registration Fee: P600/head
Reserve a seat now!

June 9, 2010

Cracking Down on Crooked Consultants Act

Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney introduced today in the House of Commons a legislation to crack down on crooked immigration consultants who exploit prospective immigrants. It's called Cracking Down on Crooked Consultants Act.

The Cracking Down on Crooked Consultants Act would strengthen the rules governing those who charge a fee for immigration advice, close immigration system loopholes currently exploited by crooked consultants, and improve the way in which immigration consultants are regulated.

“While most immigration consultants working in Canada are legitimate and ethical, it is clear that immigration fraud remains a widespread threat to the integrity of Canada’s immigration system,” said Minister Kenney. “The Cracking Down on Crooked Consultants Act will better protect prospective immigrants from crooked consultants and help safeguard our immigration system against fraud and abuse.” [Source]

If passed, the law will give the Minister the authority to designate a body to govern immigration consultants and establish measures to enhance the government’s oversight of this body. Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants is the body currently governing immigration consultants. Since the Minister himself recognizes the lack of public confidence in the regulation of immigration consultants, it is expected that a change in the governing body may be implemented.

In the Philippines, there are only few immigration consulting firms prior to the Ministerial Instructions introduced on November 2008. That is because immigration process takes about 5 years and thus, applying for immigration to Canada is not that popular. But after the changes, wherein the processing was only about 6-12 months, several immigration consulting firms suddenly sprouted like mushrooms. Most of which are crooked consultants described in the Cracking Down on Crooked Consultants Act.

Beware of these crooked immigration consulting firms. Deal only with legitimate consulting firms like Canadian Immigration Consultancy. We have been in the industry for 2 decades now and have already sent thousands of Filipino workers to Canada.

May 8, 2010

Mr. Zedfrey Salazar and his wonderful plan!

Mr. Zedfrey Salazar was one of my seminar attendees at Angles City a couple of years ago. He wanted to apply under Federal Skilled Worker program but due to lack of work experience, he's not eligible. He is a Registered Nurse with only few months work experience that time.

Caregiver Applicant from Angeles City

I taught him an alternative application process - How to find jobs in Canada. And just last month, he received his Canadian Visa as live-in caregiver!

He was able to find a job offer as live-in caregiver through the help of his relatives. We filed his caregiver application February 2009.

The application process wasn't smooth. The embassy required too many documents from the employer. Some of those documents were already submitted but we advise them to comply just the same.

His visa was issued last month. Processing period for live-in caregiver applications is about 12-18 months.

Are you interested to live and work in Canada, too? Send your resume to for FREE Assessment!

Mr. Zedrey Salazar will be moving to Canada few months from now. Soon, he will get his permanent resident visa and would be able to get his parents, too! That is exactly one of his first few questions - how to get his parents. That is a wonderful plan and a great Mother's Day gift for his mom.

What about you, what is your plan?

February 28, 2010

Canada PR Visa for the Perez Family

Canada Visa - Perez Family
The Perez received their PR Visas on Feb 10, 2010. It only took five months after submitting their application and supporting documents to Canadian Visa Office Manila on September 2009!

Ms. Alma Perez is a Registered Nurse who have several years of experience as a Company Nurse. I have said it before and I'm saying it again, you don't need a hospital experience to qualify as a Nurse. And this is another proof.

If you are just a new registered nurse and is planning to live and work in Canada you do not have to acquire a hospital experience. Volunteer work in a hospital does not count as work experience under Canada's Points System in determining your eligibility.

February 19, 2010

Earning dollars need not be difficult. You don't need to leave your family behind.

In the past, most Filipino Nurses are more inclined in pursuing an application to the US than Canada for two common reasons. First, processing period to immigrate to Canada used to be 3-5 years. Most Filipino don't want that, most of us want to board the plane right after we submit our resume for evaluation. Second, most nurses prefer that they have an assured job waiting for them. Not that many understand the concept and advantages of a permanent resident visa application.

But this preference changed when hiring of foreign nurses in the US was put on hold.

Ruby Calasag - Nurse

Ms. Ruby Calasag, a Registered Nurse, was one of them. She came to the office few days before the Ministerial Instruction identifying 38 high demand occupations and a promise of 6-12 months processing period. That time, I told her that the processing period may take about 3-5 years. She went home a bit disappointed. Imagine her surprise (or doubt?) when I gave her a ring less than a week after informing her that there were changes in the immigration regulations and that processing period may now be only 6-12 months!

After explaining the changes and erasing all her doubts, she eventually signed up with us we were able to send her application to Centralized Intake Office (CIO) on March 9, 2009. A positive assessment from CIO on April 24, 2009.

Her husband is currently working in Saudi, thus, it took them a while before finally completing the requirements, which were submitted to Canadian Visa Office in Manila on July 29, 2009. They received the approval and medical instruction on October 3, 2009. That's only two months and few days after submission of documents!

But because her husband in working in Suadi and preferred to undergo medical examination in Designated Medical Practitioners in Manila and that it took him a while to get the Saudi Police clearance, there was a delay in the issuance of their visas, which were issued early this month.

They will be moving to Canada this April 2010. They will no longer have to be physically separated just to earn a decent income. Clearly, permanent resident visa application is way better than being an overseas contract worker. You don't need to be separated with your love ones just to earn in dollars.

She visited our office yesterday for some landing concern queries, I asked her if she now believes in the 6-12 months processing period that I told her before. All she can return is that sweet smile followed by a contagious laughter. :-)