Hannah Yasmeen Simpuaco completed a degree in Business Administration and has been working in the banking industry for 16 years now. In preparation for her plan to change her career path, she decided to study Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management at SAIT.
Showing posts with label Alberta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alberta. Show all posts
August 23, 2021
June 15, 2019
Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot Takes Off
A couple of moths ago, we wrote about the upcoming Northern Ontario Immigration Pilot which is similar to the concept of Atlantic Immigration Pilot.
Today, the program officially takes off which will be known as Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot.
Today, the program officially takes off which will be known as Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot.
June 5, 2019
Job Orders for Canada as of June 4, 2019
This morning, we posted at our Facebook Page a news article about struggle of Banff hotels to fill its staffing vacancies. As a result, we were flooded with inquiries about how to apply for job in Canada. So this post is basically to clarify a couple of things:
May 24, 2019
Alberta Express Entry Stream
If you have an Express Express Entry Profile and your current CRS Score is lower than 400 points, do you still have a chance to get selected? The answer is YES. And there are ways more than one to make this happen, one of which is via Alberta Express Entry Stream.
May 19, 2017
Alberta Bans Hiring of Temporary Foreign Workers For 29 High Skilled Occupations
The Province of Alberta recently announced a Pilot Project banning the hiring of foreign workers for 29 High-Skilled Jobs to prioritize local workers. This initiative which will be implemented for 24 months will be closely watch by the Federal Government and if successful, it may be implanted across Canada.
February 8, 2017
Project Management & Professional Communication - MacEwan University
If you are planning to study in Canada and still undecided on what program to take, you may want to check out the Project Management & Professional Communication Certificate offered by MacEwan University's School of Continuing Education.
February 2, 2017
MacEwan University - Study, Work and Live in Alberta, Canada!
MacEwan University is a post-secondary educational institution located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It is a publicly funded and administered university and as such, International Students who graduated from MacEwan University may be eligible for a Post Graduate Work Permit.
January 31, 2016
Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP)
Since the announcement by the Government of Alberta on January 27, 2016 about the opening of Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP), I have been receiving a lot of inquiries about the program. Oftentimes, the statement would be like "I was told by my relative that Alberta is now accepting applications for AINP and that I should apply immediately". But they will end up disappointed after I tell them how the program works.
So I thought of writing about Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) and to guide those planing to immigrate to Canada. So here it goes...
In a nut shell, you are not eligible to apply for permanent residence in Canada under AINP if you:
![]() |
Banff, Alberta, Canada (May 2015) |
So I thought of writing about Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) and to guide those planing to immigrate to Canada. So here it goes...
In a nut shell, you are not eligible to apply for permanent residence in Canada under AINP if you:
- are presently not in Alberta and with a valid work permit, or
- don't have a valid job offer from an employer in Alberta or
- don't have financial resources and farm management experience to establish a farm in Alberta
How to qualify and get a permanent residence in Canada via Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP)?
First, you need to be Canada ready. Get your documents ready. This includes properly documenting your identity, education, training, work experience and language proficiency. As to how you will be able to do it, you may visit Citizenship and Immigration Canada website (http://cic.gc.ca) and you can get the information you need for FREE.
But if you think you need help, you may take our FREE Online Assessment or attend one of our information seminar/orientation schedules.
May 5, 2013
AINP Family Stream and U.S. Visa Holder Category Close
Bad news for those with relatives in Alberta waiting for the AINP Family Stream to open again. Canadian Immigration Consultancy have just received an email from AINP Office:
"The Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) has now permanently closed the Family Stream and U.S. Visa Holder category.
The closure of these two categories allows the AINP to better align the program with many of the changes taking place to Canada’s immigration system. These categories were suspended in 2010 to allow the program to focus on nominating temporary foreign workers for permanent residency who are already here working and addressing immediate labour needs.
Final decisions have been made on all U.S. Visa Holder category applications received prior to the suspension and applicants have been informed. Only a few Family Stream applications remain in the final stage of assessment; these applicants have been notified that a decision on their application is imminent.
The AINP is an important program, and will continue to play an integral role in supporting our province’s economic growth. The AINP will focus on nominating those individuals who will provide the greatest economic benefit to Alberta.
For those whose clients are interested in family reunification, the option is the federal Family Sponsorship Class."
"The Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) has now permanently closed the Family Stream and U.S. Visa Holder category.
The closure of these two categories allows the AINP to better align the program with many of the changes taking place to Canada’s immigration system. These categories were suspended in 2010 to allow the program to focus on nominating temporary foreign workers for permanent residency who are already here working and addressing immediate labour needs.
Final decisions have been made on all U.S. Visa Holder category applications received prior to the suspension and applicants have been informed. Only a few Family Stream applications remain in the final stage of assessment; these applicants have been notified that a decision on their application is imminent.
The AINP is an important program, and will continue to play an integral role in supporting our province’s economic growth. The AINP will focus on nominating those individuals who will provide the greatest economic benefit to Alberta.
For those whose clients are interested in family reunification, the option is the federal Family Sponsorship Class."
March 15, 2011
Optional Certification Trades in Alberta
Here's the list of Alberta's optional trades eligible to apply for permanent residence in Canada through Alberta's Immigrant Nominee Program Strategic Recruitment Stream.
Agricultural Equipment Technician
Communication Technician
Concrete Finisher
Electric Motor Systems Technician
Floorcovering Installer
GlazierInstrument Technician
Auto Glass Technician
Landscape Gardener
Lather-Interior Systems Mechanic
Outdoor Power Equipment Technician(OPET)
OPET-Marine EquipmentPainter and Decorator
OPET-Power Equipment
OPET-Recreational Equipment
OPET-Turf Equipment
Parts Technician
Parts TechnicianPowerline Technician
Parts Technician-Materials Technician
Power System Electrician
SawfilerSprinkler System Installer
Sawfiler-Circular Sawfiler
Structural Steel and Plate Fitter
Tool and Die Maker
Transport Refrigeration Technician
Water Well Driller
In the past, temporary foreign workers working in Alberta's optional trades, need an employer inorder for them to apply for permanent residence. This new AINP Strategic Recruitment Stream will give many Filipino workers in Alberta a chance to live and work in Alberta with their family permanently.
New AINP Strategic Recruitment Stream | Foreign Workers certified in Alberta's Optional and Compulsary Trades
Temporary foreign workers certified in Alberta's optional trades can now apply for permanent residence through Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program even without sponsorship from an employer. This is definitely a good news for temporary foreign workers in Alberat working as roofer, tile setter, concrete finisher and cabinet maker, etc.
This announcement was posted in official Government of Alberta website and will be effective immediately!
There are currently 50 designated trades in the province of Alberta. This is composed of 31 optional trades and 19 compulsory trades. Before the changes, workers in the compulsory trades had the option to apply either directly or with their employers.
Criteria for New AINP Strategic Recruitment Stream (Optional and Compulsary Trades)
If you are a temporary foreign worker in Alberta and wishes to apply under this new program, Canadian Immigration Consultancy can assist you. We have been processing immigrant visa to Canada for more than 20 years now.You must intend to and be able to live and work permanently in Alberta. You must have an Alberta Qualification Certificate in a compulsory or optional trade. If you have met all the requirements for the Alberta Qualification Certificate Program, Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training (AIT) will issue you an Alberta Qualification Certificate in your respective trade. After you receive your trade certificate, AIT will send you a letter inviting you to apply to the AINP Strategic Recruitment Stream. You must have an AINP invitation letter from AIT. If you do not have an AINP invitation letter from AIT, your application will be declined. You must be residing in Alberta at the time of application and show that you have a valid work permit from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) in the trade in which you are certified. You must show, at the time of application, that you are either currently working in your trade for an Alberta Employer or have previously worked in your trade with an Alberta Employer for a minimum of six months in the past two years.
For more information about AINP For Temporary Foreign Workers certified in Alberta’s optional trades, visit albertacanada.com/ainp
October 23, 2010
One of the reasons why I love my job

I received this interesting letter from one of my clients who landed in Alberta five months ago. With his permission, I'm posting his letter here. I figured this would be helpful to those moving to Canada.
Dear Sir,
It’s nice to hear that more clients have already received their visas from the Canadian government. But it’s also disheartening that Canada is limiting the number of applicants.
It’s been five months since we landed in Canada and this is how we fared so far:
The trip was very tiring and physically demanding. The flight by Canada Air from Hong Kong to Vancouver took 12 hours. We literally fell in and out of sleep the whole time. Add to that the many times we encountered turbulence in airspace shaking the plane on many occasions. The food was good, though. And plentiful compared to the usual meals given by PAL and Cebu Pac in our domestic flights.
Vancouver was another story. The immigration line was long on that day. There were both contract workers and immigrants. There were only 2 immigration officers to process some 50 new entrants on that afternoon. It was good there was some allowance of three hours to the next flight. Or else, we could have missed the next flight to Calgary.
When our time at the immigration officer came, we were asked where our permanent Resident card will be sent to. Since we have no address yet in our preferred destination, we gave the address of my sister in law in Calgary. We were asked too many questions that sounded somewhat annoying like “have you been convicted or tried of any crime”, and “have you been sent home to the Philippines by the Canadian government” and something like that. We were also asked about the settlement funds and asked for proof. When all of the asking was over, we finally heard the words “Welcome to Canada!”
This is it. We finally made it. We were asked to sign our papers in front of the immigration officer and he handed us a carbonized copy of our landing papers. We were told to always carry it with us until we receive the PR cards.
We arrived at Calgary on the same day, April 14 at 10pm. We were met at the airport by my sister-in-law and two of her friends. The luggage was many so that we needed 2 cars.
What impressed us when we finally stepped out of the airports was the vast landscape. The air was cold at 12-14 ˚C. Another thing that impressed us was the courtesy of the people, the clean surroundings, the orderly manner things are run. There was no baggage claims at the airports, by the way. You have to get your luggage from the conveyor. The queues are orderly.
The following day we went to the nearest Service Canada site and applied for the Social insurance Number (SIN). We cannot work legally in Canada without it. Then we applied for the Health card in the next block. In the afternoon, we opened a joint account at the Bank of Montreal. We got our ATM cards on the same afternoon.
The SIN came a week after. The health cards came two weeks after. Now we use the card whenever we go to the doctor. We don’t pay anything in a hospital or clinic. One condition of the card, though, is that you have to live in the province where it is issued for at least 180 days during the year. We found a family doctor after a month here. He is also a Filipino who has been here for over 10 years now. He was previously residing in Winnepeg MB the last 7 years but complained about the cold weather there. He found Calgary OK so he decided to be here.
What is also good about Alberta is the provincial sales tax of 0%. It is the only province to subsidize the PST. We only pay 5% Federal Tax on all purchases or services unlike the other provinces which have 7 8 or 9% PST.
I found a job after two months but held on to it for only a month. Something happened inside the company that the owner decided to have a long vacation. We were told to seek another employment. Some employees stole money, equipment and messed up the records. I have to do a lot of reconciliations but when the police came, we turned over what we have documented. I found another one soon and this one is much better.
The secret of finding work here? Have a Canadian work experience and/or Canadian credential. Since I was a CPA in the Philippines, I decided to enroll in a Canadian accountant designation. There are the Certified General Accountant, the Certified Management Accountant and the Chartered Accountant course. I also submitted my credentials to the International Qualifications Assessment office in Edmonton. The process took 12 weeks and now I have a Canadian credential. After my first employment, I have Canadian experience. So, Canadian experience plus CGA student credential equals more job opportunities. Landing a job is not that difficult even when the people here say Calgary is still in recession.
*** also found a job as cashier in a big company (Canadian Tire). You can take a peek at the website. She gave up the job because she will have a hard time scheduling work and studies the moment she attends classes. She now works in a law firm. Mind you, her salary is more than what I was receiving from my former job in the Philippines.
*** is now in grade 6. She has developed a curled tongue as what the Pinoys here tease. Speaks English with the Canadian accent. French is also taught in the schools and she can communicate in French. We applied for children’s allowance and were granted by the Federal government since our income was limited then. We receive a monthly allowance for *** about $300 Canadian. We will surely lose that after we file the income tax next year. Or maybe not yet if we don’t get over the minimum income tax level.
We are building credit history so that we can apply for a house loan. We were told that it can only happen after a year from arrival. Everything goes to our SIN records. Including purchases, employment pay, everything recorded.
Summer ends September 22 but outside temperature is from 1 to 10 degrees Celsius. Wait until winter comes. The temp plunges below zero and that is really cold!
A couple of days ago, I received another letter from the same client. According to him, he was now hired as Chief Compliance Officer of a securities firm. He is now registered with Canadian National Registration Database (NRD) as a securities worker. All that in less than a year in Canada!
His elder daughter is now working as Admin Assistant getting $15/hr. 7 hrs a day! When they received their visa, that daughter have just finished college here in the Philippines. How's that for a first job?
This is what I have been saying for the longest time. The Top 8 Reasons not to Immigrate to Canada by NotCanada.Com is not for Filipinos. Because Filipinos Rock! ;-)
August 26, 2010
AINP on Hold (Family Stream and the U.S. Visa Holder Category)
Here's a not so good news for those planning to file an application under AINP Family Stream and and the U.S. Visa Holder Category.
The AINP is currently not accepting applications under the AINP U.S. Visa Holder Category and the AINP Family Stream. Applications postmarked after August 23, 2010 will be returned. Applications postmarked on or before August 23, 2010 will be accepted for processing and will be processed according to AINP Processing Times and U.S. Visa Holder Category or Family Stream criteria.
This is in response to current job market conditions in Alberta.
Effective immediately, the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) will not accept new applications in the Family Stream and the U.S. Visa Holder Category. This change is temporary until further notice.
“Our focus needs to be on jobs for Albertans and Canadians first,” said Thomas Lukaszuk, Minister of Employment and Immigration. “We will continue to process applications for people who have the skills our growing economy needs.”
The Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program was first introduced to help Alberta build a strong workforce of skilled immigrants. In 2008 the Family Stream and the U.S. Visa Holder Category were added. Both these programs were very successful and have resulted in a large number of applications.
The federal government limits the number of people Alberta can nominate for permanent residence. In 2010 Alberta is allowed to nominate 5,000 people. With limited numbers, Alberta's focus will be on nominating people who currently work in permanent jobs and those who have job offers in occupations that are in demand in Alberta.
Alberta will continue to accept immigration applications in the following areas:Skilled workers Semi-skilled workers in certain occupations International students Compulsory trades Engineering occupations; and Self-employed farmers.
Source: Alberta puts two immigration programs on hold
January 12, 2010
Government of Canada helps people with disabilities in Calgary prepare for labour market
Have you heard about the case of a special child and her mom who were pressured to get off the plane by a Cebu Pacific's purser and cabin crew? Read the story here.
Now, read this news about how the government of Canada helps people with disabilities in Calgary prepare for labor market.
People with disabilities will get help preparing for jobs thanks to the Government of Canada’s support for a local employment program. Mr. Deepak Obhrai, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Member of Parliament for Calgary East, made the announcement today on behalf of the Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development.
“In today’s environment, it is more important than ever that all Canadians have the skills they need to participate and succeed in the job market,” said Mr. Obhrai. “By supporting this project, our government is helping Canadians with disabilities maximize their potential and independence.”[Source]
Canada may not be perfect, but it sure is a better place for persons with disabilities.
September 24, 2009
AINP Family Stream Changes Effective September 14, 2009
If you are planning to apply or have just submitted an AINP Family Stream application, please be informed of the following AINP Family Stream changes effective September 14, 2009.
Changes that apply to the Alberta Relative | |
Former Criteria | New Criteria |
Alberta Relative must complete the Family – Sponsorship Affidavit of Support. | Alberta Relative must complete the AINP Family Stream – Affidavit of Support (AINP 006A). |
No Settlement Plan required. | Settlement Plan now required with the application as part of the AINP 006A. A Settlement Plan would describe how the Alberta Relative will help the Candidate and any accompanying family members with shelter, food, clothing, finding work in their field and integrating into the community. |
On the Family – Sponsorship Affidavit of Support, you must affirm that neither you, nor your spouse or common-law partner (if applicable), have defaulted or are otherwise obligated to meet the conditions of any other sponsorship agreement entered into with a Government of a Province or Territory of Canada, including the Government of Alberta, or the Government of Canada for another sponsored family member who has obtained their permanent residence in Canada. | On the AINP Family Stream - Affidavit of Support, you must identify whether or not you or your spouse or common-law partner (if applicable), have submitted previous applications to the AINP Family Stream only and what the status is of those previous applications. Please note that if the Alberta Relative or anyone in the Alberta Relative’s household has already submitted an application under the AINP Family Stream where a decision has not yet been made or where a commitment of support is still in effect, a second application should not be submitted. |
Alberta Relative can demonstrate funds ($10,000 CAD for the Candidate and $2,000 for each accompanying dependent) on behalf of the Candidate. | Alberta Relative can no longer demonstrate these funds on behalf of the Candidate. The Candidate or the Candidate’s spouse/common-law partner must demonstrate these funds. |
Changes that apply to the Candidate | |
Former Criteria | New Criteria |
Candidate must complete the Family – Application for Nomination (AINP 006). | Candidate must complete the AINP Family Stream – Application for Nomination (AINP 006B). |
The Candidate or their Spouse/Common-law partner (if applicable) must be able to demonstrate completion of a post-secondary degree, diploma or certificate program of at least one (1) year in duration. | The Candidate or their Spouse/Common-law partner (if applicable) must be able to demonstrate completion of a post-secondary diploma or degree program of at least two (2) years in duration. |
The Candidate or their Spouse/Common-law partner (if applicable) must be able to demonstrate one of the following:
| The Candidate or their Spouse/Common-law partner (if applicable) must be able to demonstrate one of the following:
Proof of accessible funds ($10,000 CAD for the Candidate and $2,000 for each accompanying dependent) had to be in a recognised Canadian financial institution. If you could not demonstrate these funds in a recognised Canadian financial institution, your Alberta Relative could submit this proof of funds. | Proof of accessible funds ($10,000 CAD for the Candidate and $2,000 for each accompanying dependent) can now be demonstrated from a financial institution in your home country. The Alberta Relative can no longer demonstrate these funds on behalf of the Candidate. |
How will these AINP Family Stream changes may affect your application?
If your application was submitted before September 14, 2009, your application will be assessed based on the previous criteria. If you have submitted a complete application, you are not required to complete the new version of the forms or include additional required supporting documentation. If your application was submitted before September 14, 2009, but your application was returned to you as incomplete on or after September 14, 2009, you will be required to submit a new application and it will be assessed based on the new criteria. When you re-submit your application, you will need to complete the most current version of the application forms and include all required supporting documents. If you do not submit the new forms, your application will be returned to you. If your application was postmarked on or after September 14, 2009 but before September 26, 2009, your application will be assessed based on the new criteria. You must complete the most current version of the application forms and include all required supporting documents. If you submit a complete application with the previous forms during this two week time period, you will receive a letter instructing you to complete and send in the new forms within 30 days. Wait until you receive the letter to send in any new documents. If your application was postmarked on or after September 26, 2009, your application will be assessed based on the new criteria. You must complete the most current version of the application forms and include all required supporting documents. If you do not submit the new forms, your application will be returned to you.
To avoid delay in processing of your AINP Family Stream application, please be guided with these changes effective September 14, 2009.
June 3, 2009
IELTS Exemptions Under Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP)
Part of the criteria in determining your eligibility under the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) - Family Stream is the English Language proficiency. You and your spouse must have obtained an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) minimum score of 4.0.
But you may be considered exempt from the need to demonstrate language ability if-
If you reside in any of the following countries:
American Samoa
South Pacific Islands
St Helena
Antigua and Barbuda
St Kitts and Nevis
St Lucia
St Vincent and the Grenadines
Trinidad and Tobago
Turks and Caicos Islands
United Kingdom
Cayman Islands
New Zealand
United States of America
Puerto Rico
Virgin Islands
Ryukyu Islands
Falkland Islands
South Africa
If you are from the Philippines, you may still be exempted to demonstrate language ability if you and your spouse completed a minimum of a bachelor’s degree at one of the following institutions:
Adamson University
Benguet State University
Central Mindanao University
Central Philippine University
Far Eastern University
Iligan Institute of Tech of the Mindanao State U
Mindanao State University
Notre Dame University
Philippine Dominican Ctr of Institutional Studies
Silliman University
University of Negros Occidental – Recoletos
University of San Carlos
Xavier University
The AINP reserves the right to require that the Candidate and their Spouse/Common-law partner complete an IELTS or TEF assessment.
December 5, 2008
AINP Family Stream Pointers
AINP Family Stream is one of the Provincial Nominee Program that you may apply for in case you are not eligible under the new Federal Skilled Worker Class. To avoid delay and hopefully to increase that chances of your approval, here are some pointers.
Sponsor's Proff of Residence in Alberta
The Sponsor must have been residing in Alberta for the past two years to be considered eligible. To establish this, provide supporting documents like mortgage documents or utility bills received by the Sponsor at their Alberta address two years ago.
Minimum Funds Required for Settlement
The funds required for the Candidate to settle in Alberta are in addition to the assets of the Sponsor.
The minimum funds required for the Candidate and their family to settle in Alberta is CAD $10,000 for the Candidate, plus CAD $2,000 for each accompanying dependent. The funds must be in accessible in recognized financial institution, and may be in the name of the Sponsor, the Candidate or the Candidate's Spouse.
For applicants from the Philippines looking recognized Canadian Financial institution, try HSBC.
Language Ability
The Candidate and their Spouse must demonstrate language proficiency in either English or French. They basis for language assessment for English is International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and or Test d'Evaluation de Francais (TEF) for French.
You may submit your application even if you don't have the official assessment result as long as proof of registration (schedule of examination) is included and that the result is sent to AINP Office immediately upon completion.
Sponsorship History
If your Sponsor have previously sponsored and or co-signed an individual under the Citizenship and Immigration Canada - Family Class, you must also provide copy of Permanent Resident Card, Record of Landing (IMM 1000), or Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292) of the family member previously sponsored by your Sponsor.
October 2, 2008
How to apply for work in Alberta
Yesterday night, there was a news aired on local television channel featuring an opportunity for Filipino Workers to work in Alberta. It was also reported by Philippline star that some 10,000 to 30,000 Filipino workers are needed in Alberta. As a result, my email inbox was filled with emails inquiring about the news. And I will not be surprised if some others would even visit the Philippine Overseas Employment Office to apply. However, POEA is not recruiting workers for Canada.
This post is to answer the question - How to apply for work in Alberta, Canada?
If you will read the Aternative Application Process that I have posted here earlier, you will have an idea how to apply for work in Canada. If you want to look for job in Alberta, you just have to target employers from Alberta.
From Alberta's Official Immigration Website, there's a job seeker registration page where you may create an account and post your profile.
Here is a list of Canada Jobs Portal where you may look for job vacancies in Alberta. Prepare a good cover letter and send as many application to different employers as you can. This should be a continuous process if you are really serious in finding jobs in Canada.
You may also submit your resume to POEA Accredited recruitment agencies like I-JObs.
Now, if an employer offered you a job and processed your Labor Market Opinion, the next step is to apply for a Temporary Resident Visa and Work Permit at the Canadian Visa Office here in Manila. You dont need a consultant or representative to get your work permit. Remember, however, that an LMO is not a guarantee that you will be given a work permit. There are those whose work permit applications are being refused.
So there. I hope it will help you in applying for work in Alberta.
Should you need an assistance to process your work permit application, you may email me at aapuntar@go2canada.com.
10,000 to 30,000 Filipino Workers Needed in Alberta
With the newly signed agreement between the Philippine Government and the Province of Alberta, some 10,000 to 30,000 jobs in Canada are awaiting Filipino workers.
The said agreement will:
help expedite the approval of selected OFWs for employment opportunities in Alberta, ensure that Alberta's occupational standards are met through training and credential recognition activities, provide programs for the well being and protection of OFWs in coordination with employers, promote sound and equitable recruitment and employment practices, and establish other areas for collaboration such as HRD programs.
It's on the Philippine Star headlines today-
Canada has 30,000 jobs for Pinoys
By Mayen Jaymalin
Thursday, October 2, 2008
About 30,000 jobs are awaiting skilled Filipino workers in Canada, the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) reported yesterday.
Labor Secretary Marianito Roque said most of the workers needed in Alberta, Canada are professionals for the oil and gas industry as well as construction workers for various infrastructure projects.
Aside from the oil and gas workers, Alberta would also require workers for its food counters such as food attendants, food processors and butchers as well as nurses and care givers.
“Initially 10,000 Filipinos may immediately qualify for this recruitment program, but Alberta said they have a shortage of 30,000 workers for their oil and gas,” Roque disclosed. [Source: Philstar.com]
If you are interested to know more information about these opportunities to live and work in Canada, you may attend one of our seminars.Here's our October 2008 Seminar Schecdule.
September 3, 2008
Support for newcomers in Red Deer
Red Deer is the third most populous city of Alberta. Recently, two organizations serving newly landed immigrants in Red Deer received funding from the Government of Canada.
Red Deer, September 2, 2008 — Bob Mills, Member of Parliament for Red Deer, on behalf of the Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, today announced support for the Central Alberta Refugee Effort Committee (C.A.R.E.) and Catholic Social Services (CSS) for the delivery of settlement and integration services to newcomers in Red Deer, Alberta.
The funding, totalling $1,082,071, will go towards settlement services such as language training, interpretation and translation, skills improvement, advice and guidance, general information and public awareness education. Language training and help learning essential skills are important settlement services that help newcomers integrate more easily into their new communities. Approximately 300 newcomers to Red Deer will benefit from these services.[Source]
For more information about Red Deer City, click here.
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