Showing posts with label Clients with Visa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clients with Visa. Show all posts

December 8, 2015

They are now together and it's forever!

Remember Ms. Elreen who was granted a PR Visa under the Family Class Sponsorship - Conjugal Partner?  She and her partner is now together in Canada!

They are now together and it's forever!

December 5, 2015

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.

Dr. Rosemarie Bravo, a Physician, will be moving to Canada soon.  Her visa was issued yesterday after almost a year of processing.

Physician needed in Canada

There are things that are simply meant to be.  Dr. Bravo learned about Canadian Immigration Consultancy through her friend, who signed up a consultancy agreement with us but later on decided to withdraw her application due to some personal reasons.  Since the consultancy fee is not refundable, we allowed her to transfer her account to her friend or relative.  She then offered her account to Dr. Bravo.

Documentation process wasn't that smooth for Dr. Bravo.  Education Credential Assessment process for physicians is not just a simple process unlike other occupation.  Proof of her work experience as a Physician is also not as simple as getting an employment certificate from her employer.  But because of her dedication and commitment to her goal, plus with Canadian Immigration Consultancy's assistance and guidance, she finally made it!  She will me moving to Canada soon!

Getting help from an immigration consultant is not a guarantee that your application will be approved.  But one thing is certain, we can help you increase your chances of approval.  You can bank on Canadian Immigration Consultancy's almost 30 years of experience in the immigration constancy business.

Interested to live and work in Canada?  Take our FREE Online Assessment NOW!

You may also send your resume for assessment to

October 11, 2015

Family Class Sponsorship - Conjugal Partner (Same-Sex Partner)

When Ms. Elreen Buenconsejo first visited Canadian Immigration Consultancy - Mall of Asia Branch, she was asking for Study Visa Application.  But after a short interview to determine her eligibility, purpose and plans in the future, we discouraged her with her plan.

Family Class Sponsorship - Conjugal Partner

It turned out that she actually wanted to Study in Canada primarily to be together with her partner, Ms. Mennina, a Canadian citizen.  They were in a relationship for quite a period already but due to legal barrier, they can't get married in the Philippines.  We then suggested her to try the Family Class Sponsorship as a Conjugal Partner.  She was surprised to hear about this option and became more interested when we told her about the story of Ms. Carol. Same-Sex marriage or common-law union is legal in Canada. 

But In order for a Conjugal Partner Sponsorship, it needs a serious commitment from both partners. Otherwise, it will not work.  The challenge here is how to convince the Visa Officer that there is an emotional and financial interdependence - that there is a real and continuing relationship as a couple despite the physical separation.

If you are in a similar situation, we could be of help.  We may not be able to guarantee approval, but we can surely help you increase your chances by avoiding mistakes and proper documentation.  You may send your inquiry to

September 5, 2015

Lamsen Family from San Carlos City, Pangasinan - Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program

This Lamsen Family from San Carlos City, Pangasinan is now living in Manitoba Canada as permanent residents. They were assisted by PIA Corp Lingayen Branch (Canadian Immigration Consultancy) in processing their Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program.

If you are a college graduate, with at least one year experience and with connection in Manitoba (relative, friend, employer), you may be eligible to immigrate to Canada via Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program.

September 3, 2015

Live and Work in Canada - Enjoy Great Social Benefits

It took only nine months processing period from the time their application was filed until Mr Gilbert and Mrs Jaq Briones received their immigrant visa.  

Mr and Mrs Briones with Aaron Austria 

Mrs. Jaquilyn Briones is a Chemical Engineer and her application for permanent residence in Canada was filed under the Federal Skilled Worker Program.  They are now living a better quality of life in Canada as a permanent resident.  They now enjoy the benefits of being a resident of Canada

Mr. Aaron Austria is now assigned at Canadian Immigration Consultancy - SM North Branch. You may contact him via email ( or via Mob No. 0916-6878423.

September 2, 2015

Through hard work, perseverance and a faith in God, you can live your dreams.

Through hard work, perseverance and a faith in God, you can live your dreams. That's according to  Benjamin Carson, an American author, politician and retired John Hopkins neurosurgeon.  And if your dream is to live and work in Canada to give your family a better quality of life, there's Canadian Immigration Consultancy to assist you.

In applying for Visa, it is not mandatory to get assistance from Immigration Consultants and Lawyers.  But there is of course an advantage.  Here's one of the clients assisted by Canadian Immigration Consultancy - Alabang Branch:

Canadian Immigration Consultancy
Mrs Capinpin and family with Canadian Immigration Consultancy staff.
Not in the picture is Mr. Dexter Capinin, the Principal Applicant

Canadian Immigration Consultancy assisted Mr. Dexter Capinpin and his family applied for permanent residence visa under the Federal Skilled Worker Program. Mr. Capinpin is a Registered Nurse. They will soon be moving to Canada.

Small mistakes may cause huge problem. Don't take that risk.  Contact and or visit our Alabang Office and learn your options.

August 4, 2015

Live and Work in Canada: Testimony from Ms. Leah Balcruz

About two years ago, Ms. Eleanor Balcruz and her family were granted a Permanent Resident Visa via the Federal Skilled Workers Program.  We at Canadian Immigration Consultancy assisted them with their application.  She was eligible based on her education and her experience as a College Instructor. It was a very smooth and short process for them.

Live and Work in Canada: Testimony from Ms. Leah Balcruz

Receiving this kind of feedback from clients makes me even more inspired in helping clients realize their dream of living and working in Canada to have a better quality of life.  We can't guarantee approval of application, but one thing is certain:  We will do everything within our power to make that happen.  And if you are not eligible, we will not give you false hope.  We have been in the industry for more than 20 years already and you can bank on our track record.

Live and Work in Canada: Testimony from Ms. Leah Balcruz

When they learned that my family and I were in Canada last May 2015, they insisted to see us in Toronto to treat us for lunch and tour us around the city.  And we did!

Live and Work in Canada: Testimony from Ms. Leah Balcruz

I can say that they are now successfully settled in such a short period.   They are now working full time with their chosen career after they upgraded their education through Ontario Student Assistance Program.  Sir Francis, who used to work in Sales and Marketing is now working as Technical Support Representative for a Giant IT Firm while Ms. Leah is now working as Finance Coordinator for a school in Ontario.  Their kids receive monthly allowance from the Government and are studying for FREE.  

Simply click here for FREE Online Assessment to find out your options if you also want to live and work in Canada.

February 3, 2015

Live and Work in Canada via Federal Skilled Worker Program (Express Entry)

Live and Work in Canada via Federak Skilled Worker Program (Express Entry)

It took about 5 years for Dr. Hernandez, a Geriatrician, to finally receive the Permanent Resident visa for her family.  Her application was filed under the Federal Skilled Worker Program.  They will soon be moving to Canada to enjoy a better quality of life!

Do you want to live and work in Canada with your family too?  Do you want to enjoy a better quality of life in Canada?

The good news is you do not have to wait for 5 years under the new Express Entry System!  Once invited to apply, your visa will now be processed in 6 months or less!

Interested to Study, Work and Live in Canada? Here's what you may do:

June 19, 2013

Happily Ever After: Ms. Carol and Ms. Denise's Story

I have a client who recently landed in Quebec as a permanent resident under the Family Class Sponsorship - Conjugal Partner (Same-Sex Partners). We've actually processed several cases of same-sex partners under the Federal Skilled Worker program and Provincial Nominee Program, but this is the first case we've handled under the Family Class Sponsorship.  It's a tough process, I must say.

The Lovely Couple, Ms. Carol and Ms. Denise, at Ottawa River

Ms. Carol Manuel visited our office a couple of years ago to consult about her case. She is into a same-sex relationship with a Canadian citizen based in Quebec.  Her partner, Ms. Denise, wanted to sponsor her under the family class sponsorship program and they have actually consulted several consultants and immigration lawyers prior to our meeting.  They knew that it's not going to be easy. But after explaining the process, the fees and other stuff, they decided to get our services.

After getting the needed information about their relationship - as a matter of procedure and policy before accepting her case - I was convinced right there and then that this couple is so in love and that there is no doubt that their relationship is real - the emotional and financial inter-dependence is so obvious.  They were so in-love and committed to each other, their distance is never a problem.  They literally talk and see each other daily via webcam and they've been doing it for more than a year already!   

Canada respects and recognize the rights of  Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBTs) and its immigration program also provides provision for these cases.  But it isn't that easy to get approval for this kind of cases.  You need to submit the right documents and information.

Deputy Nycole Turmel
Deputy Nycole Turmel (center) with the lovely couple

Sometimes, you also need to be assertive - get help from the MPs if necessary. Otherwise, your application will simply be refused on the grounds that the visa officer is not convinced that the relationship is genuine.  In their case, Deputy Nycole Turmel made sure that the Visa Office in Manila is properly handling their case, she went out of her way to contact the Visa Office and really talked to Ms. Carol and Ms. Denise.  Or maybe that is the standrad to be expected from a public servant in Canada. But just the same, I can say Deputy Nycole Turmel is one great public servant.

It took more than a year before Ms. Carol received her visa. She was asked to explain details about the relationship during the personal interview. They questioned the limited period they lived together, among other things.  The processing of Japan Police Certificate also added to the delay. Ms. Carol also have to repeat the medical examination becasue the first medical examination result already expired due to the delay in processng.

During the period of waiting, they were understanbly anxious of what the next requirement would be or the decision that the visa officer will make.   

Ms. Carol with Ms. Denise and her Mom
Despite the challenges and delays, Ms. Carol and Ms. Denise never gave up.  Evertime Ms. Carol tells me she's worried, I always assure her that it's going to be ok.  We do not guarantee approval of application but I was so confident with this case because I believe they really love each other and they deserve to be together.  I met Ms. Denise during one of her visits in the Philippines and I saw how she really care for Ms. Carol.

Ms. Carol at home with her new family in Quebec
And just like a fairy tale, Ms. Carol and Ms. Denise now happily live together in Quebec.  So for those asking if it's really possible for same-sex partners to apply under the Family Class Program, you've just got the answer.  

February 9, 2013

Dr. Daran from Tuguegarao City

Dr. Susan Daran is a licensed dentist from Tuguegarao City.  She visited our office last week to claim her visa.

Her case was a special one because when we filed her application at Centralized Intake Office (CIO), her application was returned unprocessed due to incomplete documents. That's waht CIO claimed but the returned application package actually includes the documents they said were missing.

When we received the returned application, the cap for dentists was already filled so it is no longer an option to refile a new application.  Instead, we sent again her application package with a strongly worded letter demanding to have it processed.  Their clerical error should't ruin one's dream to have a better quality of life in Canada!

Fortunately, her application was accepted and processed.  She got a positive assessment and her files were forwarded to Manila Visa Office.  However, before a medical examination instruction was issued, her husband died and that means the 4 points from adaptability (Spouse's Education) will not be  credited and thus, she will not meet the 67 points pass mark.

To address this another hindrance, we wrote the Visa Office asking for consideration, for substituted evaluation.  We guided Dr. Daran to document justification why she should be given visa.  And now, Dr. Daran and her son will be moving to Canada anytime soon!

You don't need a consultant or a representative to process your immigrant visa application.  Bear in mind, however, that immigration is not a simple process. Small mistakes cause big problems.  Why take the risk?  

November 25, 2012

From Saudi to Canada | Jona Lee San Pedro - Pharmacist

From Saudi to Canada | Jona Lee San Pedro - Pharmacist
Ms. Vangie Naron with the San Pedro family
Ms. Jona Lee San Pedro is a Registered Phramacist in the Philippines.  But when we processed her application for permanent residence in Canada via Federal Skilled Worker program, she and her family were already based in Saudi Arabia, where she was working as a pharmacist.

The distance did not become a problem for them.  When they were required to undergo medical examination, they did it in Saudi.  When they were required to submit the original passports for visa stamping, they just sent the passports to us via courier. When their visas were issued, the same were sent back to them via courier.  They returned to the Philippines and visited our office after they resigned from their work in Saudi.

If you are a Filipino Worker now working in Saudi and you also want to live and work in Canada, distance is not a problem. We can help you process your application.  At Canadian Immigration Consultancy, we make it easy.

Interested to Study, Work and Live in Canada? Here's what you may do:

November 24, 2012

Mr. Patrick Ng | 5 months processing period for spousal sponsorship

Spousal Sponsorship
Mr. Patrick Ng with Vangie Naron and Riza Lomocso
Citizenship and Immigration Canada is now implementing stricter rules for Spousal Sponsorship.  They are seriously cracking down those involved in marriage fraud.  Sometimes, even the relationship is genuine and all that, applicants are being refused mainly because of poor documentation.  This can be avoided.

In the case of Mr. Patrick Ng, his application was processed within 5 months only.  Canadian Immigration Consultancy does not tolerate marriage fraud and is not accepting cases we deemed unreal.  But if we accepted your case, we will guide you properly to get a higher chances of approval. You can bank on our track record.  

November 21, 2012

Mr. Ryner Sagun - Regustered Nurse

Ryner Sagun - Registered Nurse
Mr. Ryner Sagun with Ms. Vangie Naron.
Mr. Ryner Sagun, a Registered Nurse, finally received his visa few days ago.  His passport was submitted to the Visa Office on July 2012.  Three months after, the Visa Office contacted Mr. Sagun and was asking for his original passport.  He was worried of course.  But since we sent his passport via a courier, we managed to track his passport.  Despite the unnecessary delay caused by the Visa Office, it's still worth the wait for Mr. Sagun.  He will be moving to Canada soon as a permanent resident.

November 20, 2012

Ms. Rita Jane Pasion - Nurse from Chinese General Hospital

Ms. Rita Jane Pasion, a Registered Nurse from Chinese Genral Hospital, is one of the most recent addition to the long list of Canadian Immigration Clients who were granted a permanent residence visa in Canada through our assistance.  Watch this to see more.

Click here for free online assessment if you want to live and work in Canada, too!

There is no failure except in no longer trying

Ms. Maria Lorena Garcia and Ms. Irene Delara

Ms. Maria Lorena Garcia is a Registered Nurse working in Asian Hospital. Her application for permanent residence in Canada under the Federal Skilled Worker program was first submitted to Centralized Intake Office on December 2010.  It was returned because the cap was already reached by the time her application was received in Canada.

But she did not give up.

We filed her application again on July 2011. This time, she was able to make it to the cap.  She was required to undergo medical examination on December 2011 and her visa was issued April 2012.

“There is no failure except in no longer trying.”  ― Elbert Hubbard

October 15, 2012

Ms. Yasmin Dela Torre - Restaurant Manager

Another client received Permanent Resident Visa via Federal Skilled Worker Program.  Ms. Yasmin Dela Torre used to work with Jollibee as a Shift Manager.  They will be moving to Canada early next year.

Interested to live and work in Canada, too?  Click here for Free Assessment.

I will be in Nueva Vizcaya this coming Saturday to conduct a Live and Work in Canada information seminar.  If you are interested, CLICK HERE for the details.

June 6, 2012

Glaiza Diaz | Sponsored by Spouse

sponsored by spouse

Ms. Glaiza Diaz will soon be joining her husband in Canada after about 6 months processing.  She was sponsored by her husband under the Family Class program.  For those still asking if Canada has Fiance Visa program, there is none. 

If you need assistance for spousal sponsorship, email me -

April 1, 2012

Mr. and Mrs. Accountant

Mr. and Mrs. Accountant
Mr. and Mrs Castelo with Mr. Apol Apuntar

Ms. Juvilyn Abando and Mr. Paulo Castelo were still single when they first visited our office. They are both Certified Public Accountant, more than four years of experience and with immediate relative in Canada. They are both eligible under the Federal Skilled Workers program in their own right.

However, they decided to get married first before filing their application instead of filing individually. Such decision did not make any difference in the amount they would have paid for the visa processing fee, but definitely, they were able save on the consultancy fee. They were just being what they are - Accountants!

Accountants are not included in the current list of priority occupations. It's a good thing that they made a timely decision 2 years ago. When they learned that Accountants are included in the priority list, they immediately grabbed the opportunity.

Their application was filed under MI-1 and was submitted to the visa office in Manila around October 2010. Their visa was delivered to our office last Friday, March 30, 2012. There was a delay in processing for applications filed under MI-1 and they are one of those who were affected. Their waiting is over, they will be moving to Canada soon!

Do you want to live and work in Canada, too? Click here for FREE online assessment.

March 21, 2012

Don't be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams.

Mr. and Mrs. Agliam with PIA Corp's Senior Documentation Specialist, Irene Delara

Ms. Eva Agliam and husband, Elbert Agliam, received their permanent resident visa sometime last October 2011. Initially they submitted an application for permanent residence in Canada under the Federal Skilled Workers program back in 2006. But when the AINP Family Stream was introduced in 2008, they decided to file under AINP.

AINP Family Stream was put on hold in less than 2 years after it was introduced.  And then eventually, the program was finally closed permanently.  Good thing for them, they immediately submitted their application when the program opened.

Immigrating to Canada requires planning and preparation. To succeed, you need to make a timely decision and must be determined to achieve your goal - to live and work in Canada. Thus, only serious-minded applicants succeed.  You need to be ready!

Mr and Mrs Agliam made that timely decision and they are now living their dream in Canada.

Interested to Study, Work and Live in Canada? Here's what you may do:

March 15, 2012

IELTS Examination Is No Hindrance

Ms. Marigold Rocero, a Registered Nurse, is one of those who opted for the Acedemic Module when they took the IELTS examination. General Training Module is the required module but there was a period in the past that Academic Module is being accepted. Thus, those with IELTS exam result ready, even if it's Academic Module, were submitted just the same in filing their application. But Citizenship and Immigration Canada eventually implemented strictly the rule on IELTS module requirement.

Taking another IELTS examination did not become a hindrance to achieve her dream of living and working in Canada. As they say, if there's a will, there's a way.

She went to Canada last November 2011 and is now based in British Columbia, where a Nurses Union is demanding additional 2,000 more staff nurses rather than pushing for any wage hikes. If it doesn't sound a great opportunity for her, I don't know what is.

With Ms. Rocero in the picture is PIA Corp's Senior Documentation Specialist, Ms. Irene Delara.

Interested to live and work in Canada, too? Click Here for Free Online Assessment.