What we don't know yet are the possible changes affecting the Federal Skilled Worker program.
Quite possibly, the proposed changes to FSW points system would be implemented starting July 1, 2012. The proposed changes are meant to make it easier for skilled tradespeople, technicians and apprentices to meet the passmark and to attract immigrants who will adapt more easily and be active members of the work force for a longer time frame.
If implemented, the ideal age would be 21-35 years old and that there would be a minimum level of language proficiency depending on the applicant’s occupational skill level (i.e. a nurse would have a different requirement from a welder).
The current points system is prohibitive and I think the proposed changes on the language factor proficiency actually makes sense. Not many welders talk to their welding rod using English language, so how do you expect them to score 16 points under the Language factor?
2-3 months window of opportunity
For some of the occupations listed in the 29 in-demand occupations, there is a great chance that the cap would be reached within 2-3 months only, or even faster for some.
For those who did not plan ahead or simply failed to plan, they may have a hard time making it on time. For Filipino applicants, for example, it now takes forever to renew or get a new passport.
If your occupation is included in the 29 in-demand occupations and you are seriously planning to live and work in Canada, waste no time. Decide now!
It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.