A blog reader sent me en email asking about Primrose Sea Foods Co. Ltd Canada. According to him, he received an email from them and he doubts if the job offer is real.
I searched about Primrose Sea Foods Co. Ltd Canada job vacancies and was amazed on howse these scammers have evolved. Before, they use free email accounts and pretends to be officials of Citizneship and immigration Canada. At first glance, you can easliy determine that it is just a scam. But now, they have learned to make a fancy websites (http://www.primroseseafoods.com/) and unsuspecting applicants may really fall into their scheme.
Based on numerous complaints I found in the net, it appears that these scammers are targetting applicants from India. The visa processing allegedly will be processed in Canadin Visa Office in New Delhi. There are more victims reporting this scam at http://www.consumercomplaints.in.
This is actually similar to Golden Seafods Canada job scam. My theory is that they just changed the name because Golden Seafoods Canada was already exposed.
Don't be a victim of scam. Beware of those who offer guaranteed visas and jobs in Canada.