I stumbled upon this blog, Vancouver: A local's perspective, while blog hopping. If you are planning to visit or live and work in Vancouver, you will get useful information there.

After all, there is no better way to get information about Vancouver than from a local.
Robyn Hanson, the blog author, was born and raised in Vancouver. She worked in the local tourism industry and studied Geography and Art History at University of British Columbia.
Her tag clouds will give you an idea what she's blogging about:
2010 Olympics, accommodation, activities for a rainy day, afternoon outings, art, autumn, beaches, books, charity, Chinatown, Christmas, dance, Davie Street, dining, downtown, English Bay, False Creek, filmed in Vancouver, fog, food, free activities, gardens, Gastown, geography, history, holidays, kid friendly activities,money, monuments mountains, museums, music, nature, neighborhoods New Year's Eve, nightlife, parks, photos, rain, restaurants, Richmond, Robson Street, seawall, shopping, shopping districts, snow, special events, sports, spring, Stanley Park, summer, transportation, UBC, vegetarian, restaurants, Victoria, videos, weather, whale watching, Whistler, wildlife, winter activities, winter, climate, Yaletown
Visit Vancouver: A Local's Perspective at http://bcrobyn.blogspot.com