Just like in most countries, Halloween is a holiday celebrated in Canada on the night of October 31. Halloween has its Celtic origin. It is believed that spirits and the dead can cross over into the world of the living, in which the dead cause problems such as sickness or that the dead may damage their crops.

Halloween in Canada is celebrated normally by holding parties and games. There are those who really put an effort in decorating their homes and yards. Pumpkins called jack-o'-lanterns are commonly placed in windows as a sort of welcoming children playing trick-or-treat.
Halloween Costumes

The word Halloween came from the medieval England's All Hallows' Day, which is now called All Saints' Day. It's supposed to be a Christian celebration but today's popular Holloween costumes for kids are mostly movie and TV heroes like Spiderman, Superman, Harry Potter, Batman, witches, etc.
Halloween Food
Here are some of food/menu associated with the Halloween in Canada. Click on the links to get the recipe details.
- Candied Apples
- Devil's Food Cupcake Ice Cream Cones
- Ghoulish Halloween Punch
- Peanut Brittle
- Roast Eight Winged Bat
- Gnocchi with Toasted Pumpkin Seed Pesto
- Gingered Pear and Pumpkin Tartlets
- Ostrich and Pasticcio Of Squash
- Polenta Fingers and 'Blood Red' Tomato Sauce
- Chocolate Blood Orange Tart