On or before July 1, 2012, a new Ministerial Instruction is expected to be issued by Canada's Immigration Minister. This Ministerial Instruction 5 (MI-5) will provide details about the priority occupations to be processed under the Federal Skilled Worker program.

What are the new in-demand occupations or priority occupations under MI-5?
Considering that there is a limit on the number of applications to be accepted annualy under the FSW program, many applicants actually want to know the list in advance. For the past few days, I am receiving that kind of question quite often.
The list of priority occupations is supposedly based on the labor market demand in Canada. But unfortuantely, it is in the Immigration Minister's power to decide which is which. They gave him that kind of power back in 2008.
You see, Ministerial Instruction 2 identified 29 high demand occupations and after a year, the same list was issued as priority occupations in Ministerial Instruction 3. What does that mean? There is no change in Canada's labor market situation afetr a year? Maybe.
Anyway, for Ministerial Instruction 5, the sentiment is that a greater number of occupations will be opened. Good news might really be on the way, you just have to be ready.