Of the 10,840 applications received by Centralized Intake Office (CIO)as of April 19, 2011, 1,000 applications are classified as Restaurant and Food Service Managers. This means the cap for Restaurant Managers has been reached and thus, CIO will no longer accept new applications.
Between June 26, 2010, and June 30, 2011, a maximum of 20,000 complete Federal Skilled Worker applications will be considered for processing. Within the 20,000 cap, a maximum of 1,000 Federal Skilled Worker applications per eligible occupation will be considered for processing within this same time frame.
The list of 2011 priority occupations may be issued on or before July 1, 2011. The cap on the number of applications to be received by Centralized Intake Office (CIO) does not apply if you have an Arranged Employment (Job Offer).