Here's to answer all those questions about IELTS Exam requirement. If you visit Citizenship and Immigration Canada's website particularly the immigration section, you will see this announcement:
It's a clear-cut policy. 2 years. Why insist a one year rule?
It's because of this important notice from Appendix A Checklist for Federal Skilled Work applications.
It says if there is conflict between the guide (Appendix A) and other publications, the Appendix A is to be followed.
Now, this is what is written in the said guide:
It says language test results must not be older than one year upon submission.
So which do you follow?
It may have been that the Appendix A is not yet updated. But based on how Centralized Intake Office (CIO) handles applications it received, I wouldn't take that risk. Please note however, that the Visa Office in Manila accepts language test results that are older than one year even prior to the announcement that 2 year language test result is now acceptable.
Based on the guidelines, IELTS requirement is General Training and not Academic. But the Visa Office in Manila accepts Academic option just the same. It actually makes sense. Academic is relatively more difficult than the General Training option. But if you submit IELTS Academic option to CIO, it will not be accepted.
Be guided. Small mistakes cause BIG problem.