Because of the news that NOC 1122 have already reached the 1,000 cap, I have been receiving lots of email telling me that they were sad and find the news depressing. Most of them say that they were just waiting for IETS Exam. Some are waiting for feedback from friends in Canada and some others blame it to financial concerns.
These were the same reactions I received when the 2nd Ministerial Instruction were issued, wherein Accountants who used to be included in the priority list were no longer included in the 29 In Demand Occupations. Those Accountants who weren't able to file felt the same way.
What can I say?
Sometimes it's really the smallest decisions that can change your life forever. Immigrating to Canada is not just a matter of making a decision. It is about making a a timely decision that requires serious commitment. Thus, only serious minded applicants can successfully pull it off.
I don't mean to rub it in and make you feel sorry. But you see, I keep repeating on this blog the importance of making a decision.
Immigration rules change, you have to make a timely decision Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen. It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped. Dreaming for a better quality of life? Decide now and make a commitment to that decision!
The list has been there since June 2010 - five months ago! What took it you so long?
If you are serious about immigrating to Canada and you still want to live and work in Canada, you shouldn't lose hope. There are other programs to immigrate to Canada depending on your circusmtances. There's Provincial Nominee Program, Arranged Employment and Canadian Experience Class. Most of these programs require a job offer. Here's how to find jobs in Canada. And bear in mind that Canada's door to immigration is still wide open and that your occupation may still be included again in the next Ministerial Instruction. You better be ready when your occupations opens up again. Don't say you were never warned.
And now for those whose occupations are still open.
What are you waiting for? Start the application NOW. Don't wait until you get the IELTS Exam Score before you visit our office to start the process. Let's get your documents ready while you are preparing for the IELTS Exam. By doing so, we will be able to file your application as soon as you get the IELTS Exam Results.
But what if I did not reach the required pass mark due to poor IELTS Scores?
That's understandable. But you need to ask yourself, if you failed the IELTS exam, are you going to take the exam again?
If your answer is NO, then forget about seeing us. That would only mean you are not serious about this golden opportunity. And we only deal with serious minded applicants.
If your answer is YES, then that means you don't easily give up and will do everything in your power to give your family a better quality of life by immigrating to Canada. If passing the IELTS Exam is the only thing that it takes to do that, I think it is not too much of a sacrifice even if it means taking it again and again. It may cost you money, yes, but think about the rewards of living and working in Canada. Can you think of an investment with that amount that will give at least one half of the benefits you will get as a permanent resident in Canada?
Did I hear you said Lottery? ;-)
But do you have a better chance in winning the lottery than passing the IELTS exam? Come on! LOL
So there. If you think you are serious about this opportunity, come and see us. Attend one of our Live and Work in Canada Informationl Seminars.
Image Credit: http://favelafabric.com