About the Book
Job search in Canada is a full-time job, not a casual step. It is very much the same for all job seekers (new Canadians and seasoned Canadians alike). The unstated formula is: full-time search for full-time jobs, part-time search may lead you to part-time jobs, and the rest is left to your imagination. With emphasis on a full-time job search, this book shows the pathways that work and strongly recommends learning best practices. The bottom line is, if your resume doesn't "work," neither will you. Being casual is just one point to bear. More such considerations include myths, mistakes and misconceptions in job search. - Source
I actually reviewed the book a couple of months ago before it was published. You'll find my comment about the book here.
"JOB SEARCH: THE CANADIAN WAY is a must-have book for New Canadians and for those seeking to live and work in Canada. It presents a no-nonsense and practical guide to achieve every job seeker's goal - to land a job that they want and deserve."