A prospective client asked me an interesting question yesterday. She is a Registered Nurse without known relatives or friends in Canada. 'Who will guide me once I landed in Canada?', she asked.

I told her that there are Welcome Centers for Newcomers in Canada managed by various organizations in Canada whose main objective is to provide support for newly-landed immigrants. These organizations are in fact receiving financial support from the Canadian Government. Support is everywhere.
Here are some of the organizations which would be of great help:
Thurder Bay Multicultural Association - a non-profit organization whose objective is to encourage and facilitate co-operation among ethnic organizations in promoting the concept of multiculturalism. Central Alberta Refugee Effort Committee (C.A.R.E.) and Catholic Social Services (CSS) - organizations providing support for newcomers in Red Deer
And just recently, it was announced by Newmarket-Aurora MP Lois Brown that the Government of Canada is investing in four New York Region Welcome Centers to help immigrants settle and integrate into Canada. The Welcome Centers will be managed by the following local community organizations:
Markham North: Job Skills Employment and Business Programs and Supports Markham South: Centre for Information and Community Services Newmarket: Social Enterprise for Canada Richmond Hill: Catholic Community Services of York Region
I will update this post later to include other Welcome Centers in Canada.
It is indeed easier if you have relatives and friends in Canada, but it will never be a problem if you don't.