The proposed improvements to the Live-in Caregiver Program will be published in Canada Gazette on December 19 for a 30-day comment period open to all Canadians. Final regulatory changes in Canada's Live-in Caregiver Program (LCP) will be published after this period.
The following are the proposed significant changes:
Elimination of the requirement for live-in caregivers to undergo a second medical examination when applying to become permanent residents. Remember the late Juana Tejada? This is the result of what she had fought for. A chance for live-in caregivers to apply for permanent residence sooner. Under the new measure, the 3,900 work hours standard work week for two years may now include a portion of overtime hours rendered by live-in caregivers. The proposed regulations will also require employers of live-in caregivers to pay for: * travel costs for live-in caregivers to come to Canada;
* medical insurance until live-in caregivers become eligible for provincial health coverage; and
* workplace safety insurance and any recruiting fees owed to third parties.
For more information on the Proposed Improvements to the Live-in Caregiver Program, click here.