Here's Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister's statement regarding Philippine Independence Day-
“This national day commemorates the Philippines’ declaration of independence from Spanish colonial rule on June 12, 1898.
“Events in recognition of the day are staged by Filipino communities around the world. The festivities take many forms, from picnics and parades, to cultural festivals and flag-raising ceremonies.
“The annual event is an important celebration of Filipino heritage and a chance to rekindle Filipino roots.
“For all Canadians, Philippine Independence Day provides an excellent opportunity to learn about Filipino culture and traditions, and to reflect on the tremendous contributions that the Filipino community has made to this country’s rich and diverse heritage.
“As Prime Minister Harper has said, ‘Pluralism is the principle that binds our diverse peoples together.’
“As Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, I join my voice with Canadians of Filipino origin in celebrating this national day and I wish them a very happy Philippine Independence Day.”
In relation to Philippine independence day celebration yesterday, did you notice Google Philippines logo yesterday? The logo yesterday represents the colors of the Philippine flag complete with the sun and three stars!
