Canada's caregiver program offers permanent resident status to caregivers after they complete 24 months of live-in care within three years.

But Hesanna Santiago, a Filipina caregiver in Canada, is now facing deportation even after complying with the 24 months work experience requirement.
Part of the requirement before a permanent resident visa is issued is that the applicant and family members must undergo medical examination. Applicants actually go through two medical examinations: to enter Canada on a work permit and before permanent resident visa issuance.
This reminded me of the case of Juana Tejada, who went through similar situation. The only difference is that in the case Juana Tejada, she faced deportation due to her medical problem. In the case of Hanna Santiago, she is now facing deportation because her 12-year-old daughter was diagnosed with kidney disease.
An application for permanent resident visa may be refused if the applicant or any family member is considered medically inadmissible in Canada. However, her family may still be given permanent resident status if Citizenship and Immigration Canada grants an exception based on compassionate groundsbased on humanitarian and compassioante grounds.