An approval of Temporary Resident Visa application to work in Canada isn't the end of the process for Filipino Workers to legally work in Canada. They still need to accomplish a couple of things.
If you are Filipino worker and have just received your visa to work in Canada, here's what you should do next.
1. Get an Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC) from Philippine Overseas Employment Office (POEA). This process is to document the Filipino's working abroad. It is the Philippine government's way to monitor and safeguard the welfare of Filipino workers abroad.
An Overseas Employment Certificate shall be issued only if your employer is registered at Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO), and have meet and complied with the requirements. In most cases, your employer needs to be accredited by POEA through a local recruitment agencies like International Jobs Recruitment Agency (I-Jobs). If your employer does not know this process, here's an employers' guide on hiring Filipino Workers, which you may send to your employer for their reference.
2. Work Permit is issued in Canada. When you arrived in Canada, an immigration officer will interview you must be prepared to show supporting documents, such as your letter of offer of employment and the letter from Citizenship and Immigration Canada saying that you are authorized to come to Canada to work. If the information you have provided matched the information that they have about you, the officer will print the actual permit for you.